Mar 05 2023 10 mins 20
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Send me your feedback at 1-805-910-7656 or [email protected]
The deadline to submit your feedback is Tuesday, 9 AM Eastern time.
Welcome to Ellie’s Tale – The Last Of Us Podcast. In this Double Take episode, I give you my first impressions after seeing the eighth and penultimate episode of the first season of The Last Of Us, titled “When We Are in Need.” I’m creating these short posts to encourage listener feedback by asking questions about the episode.
If you have played the game, please do not include spoilers in your feedback!
This week’s questions are…
1) Has Ellie lost her knife?
2) What sort of ending are you hoping for?
3) What title/franchise would you like to see turned into a TV show? (only one, please)
I’d like to thank everyone who has subscribed to this podcast and encourage you to join the discussion by sending in your feedback by calling +1-805-910-7656 or emailing me at [email protected] or visiting the website at If you enjoy this podcast, please leave me a review on Apple Podcasts.