May 23 2023 33 mins
Welcome back another Wednesday to ReloBerlin!
In today's episode, we will prepare to find a Kita. And the first step will be getting your Kitagutschein!
If you have children under 6 years old, you can enroll them in the following:
Kinderkrippe (from 8 weeks to 3 years old)
Kita or Kindergarten (ages between 3 and 6, in either half or full day between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm)
But finding a Kita can take between 6 months to 18 months depending on the city you are in.
It is actually a harder process than finding an apartment!
But I know EXACTLY what you can do
Timing is the most important detail in this case.
Some German families actually start with the Kita search as soon as they have decided on the name of their future newborn baby, if they want a very specific Kita.
Where can you find a Kita?
The following options will help you search Kitas in different areas of Berlin and see their availability
- Kita Database – This is the official resource. You add your address, and it gives you results for Kitas near your address
The Kitas will show as available or unavailable as soon as you see the list, so it will save you A LOT of time
Similar to the previous one. You search first withing your Bezirk or area, and then you get a list where you see how many available spots each Kita has
You get a map view, but you can also select a list view and select a specific area
I really like the language filter
ExpatBabies Berlin - Facebook
There are plenty of Facebook groups with information, but make sure you do not share any personal details on the internet
Berlin Kita sells a list of Kitas in Microsoft Excel format in case you do not find anything with the previous options, or it is really urgent, this could be for you
Once you know which Kitas interest you, you will need a Kitagutschein or Kita voucher, which is what we go through today in this episode. Just get into the link and listen as many times as you require. I fill in the formulary with you ;)
I would also like to share with you some tips before you listen to this episode:
WIN-WIN: You will immediately get the document by following this podcast, so in just 20 minutes you will be done
Take a step for your future self and GET IT DONE! Do this as early as you can, since it takes 6–8 weeks for you to get the actual Kitagutschein, and without it, no Kitas will accept you!
Use Google Chrome to be able to translate it into English
Review as many times as you need!
When you are done, get the window to print out the preview of the formulary: SAVE IT!
Once you have “sent” the formulary after reviewing it, you will get ANOTHER window with ANOTHER preview: FOR THE LOVE OF THE TV-TOWER! SAVE IT!
By the time you get your Kitagutschein I will be sharing with you further tips, but for now keep in mind that:
For small babies and toddlers that have never been to a Kita or have a nanny, many Kitas will make you part of the “Eingewohnungsmodell”. Which is in having a parent or a carer with the children the first days or weeks until the child has gotten used to being away from their parents.
You will need to email and request a formal date to visit the Kita by sending them
A cover letter
Your Kitagutschein
I would love to know if you found this helpful and if you like the storytelling at the end of each episode. If so, leave a 5-star review and/or email me at [email protected] ;) or in any of my following social media
If you want to keep in touch and get many more tips, follow me on Instagram:
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Stay curious! ;)
Until 2 Wednesdays!