Feb 27 2025 34 mins
Called to Flourish Podcast
Episode 27: Developing Leadership Skills with Psychology
In this episode, Dr. Chris Ewing shares his experience in leadership and how his military and academic background helped him develop the kind of leadership he likes to teach and practice personally.
Our guest for this podcast is Dr. Chris Ewing, a former active-duty Air Force Officer specializing in Space and Missile Operations. He held various operational, instructional, and leadership positions from 2004-2012. He is the COO of Paradigm Leaders, LLC, a Florida-based SDVOSB that designs and delivers leadership development and management curriculum and specializes in practical leadership consultation at the organizational level. He is also a published author and educator.
He can be reached through his email: [email protected]
His book can be purchased on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Chris-Ewing-ebook/dp/B09R2JKDMF/ref=monarch_sidesheet_title
The Called to Flourish Podcast covers mental health topics through a Catholic Christian perspective to highlight human dignity and help achieve an integrated healing process of the heart, mind, and soul. It is hosted by Fr. Charles Sikorski, LC, JD, JCL, president of Divine Mercy University (DMU), and Thomas Cronquist, Director of Institutional Advancement at DMU.
The Podcast is available for download in mp3 format at: https://calledtoflourishpodcast.libsyn.com/
The Podcast is also available on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-PINejUC-gB9F25bHFpFLk7Je2pvZDzd
Divine Mercy University is a graduate school of mental health and spiritual development that integrates Catholic Christian anthropology with the scientific understanding of the human person. DMU provides the following programs: Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology, Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Master of Science in Psychology, and Spiritual Direction Certificate.
Learn more about Divine Mercy University: https://divinemercy.edu/?frm=DMUYOUTUBE
For more information on our programs visit us at: https://enroll.divinemercy.edu/?frm=DMUYOUTUBE