Nov 04 2024 18 mins 5
Echocardiography (Echo) and point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) play a critical role in the cardiac intensive Care Unit (CICU). In this episode, our expert cardiologists Drs. Rosy Thachil, Shashank Sinha, Smadar Kort and Eugene Yuriditsky examine the latest advancements, techniques, and clinical applications of Echo and POCUS in managing critically ill cardiac patients. Learn how these powerful imaging tools can enhance diagnostic accuracy, provide real-time data, guide therapeutic interventions, and improve patient outcomes in the high-stakes environment of the CICU. Whether you're a seasoned cardiologist or a healthcare professional new to critical care cardiology, there is much to learn from these valuable insights and practical tips for optimizing the use of Echo and POCUS.
Related References:
Kirkpatrick JN, Grimm R, Johri AM, et al. Recommendations for echocardiography laboratories participating in cardiac point of care cardiac ultrasound (POCUS) and critical care echocardiography training: report from the American Society of Echocardiography.
J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2020;33:409-422.e4.