CRZ16 – S02E03 – Ties That Bind

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Oct 27 2019 31 mins  

Geoff and Wayne share their after show review of season 2, episode 3, of Castle Rock, Ties That Bind. They discuss what they loved, and what they didn't, from the episode, theorize about the happenings, and unearth more King Connections. Full show notes at

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Joy Cuts The Ties That Bind:
Joy is starting to rebel and takes a chance with Chance and her friends to blow off some steam. Chance comes and asks if she wants to go and look for a dead guy. They have heard Ace is dead and are going to search Castle Lake for him. Joy is resistant at first, but she decides to go. Vera, Timothy, Chance and Joy have a blast out on the lake. They have so much fun because the brownies Chance brought were Pot brownies. It is all fine until they loose an oar. Embolden from the loosened ties, Joy jumps in and get the oar. She hears a weird noice under the water, is it the schisma? At the Lodge Chance tells her to keep her phone on as she leans in for what I thought was a going to be a kiss.

Annie Looses Ties To Reality:
After seeing Ace, Annie suspects her meds are off and asked Nadia about it. She has searched the cabin but found no sign of the murder. She goes to the Somali site but the hole is cemented over. She heads up to the Marsten house. The place is much cleaner and some one is doing some restoration. Annie finds the door to the basement locked. Then a large Somali man, covered in goo turns to her and she freaks out. Back at cabin 19, Joy arrives to a shaken Annie. Annie tells her that she killed Ace, but he is back. Joy knows she is off and that it is an emergency. She knocks out Annie with a hypo. She then ties her up in the bedroom. She has researched and the drugs Annie has been taken are correct. She gives Annie the drugs, but she secretly spits them out for the mice to eat. Joy finds out that Ace has been seen alive. Joy refuses to release Annie. Annie talks about how everything she has done is to protect Joy. Joy’s father didn’t want her so she ran with Joy and the cops chased. She says that his is on his way to get them. Joy asks if that is her dad or Ace. Joy sees the dead mice and the pills and knows Annie has been beed full of lies. Dr. Nadia is at the door and Joy says Annie is unwell. Annie breaks a glass and uses the shard to cut the ties that bind her. Joy runs from bloody crazy Annie. Annie runs out to chase her but sees the Tall Man. Her meds don’t work quickly enough and the Tall Man says Annie will kill Joy.

Read the rest of the show notes at