It's a different Christmas for the Barrons as we get used to empty nesting, we take a trip to South GA, Homestead might be the worst movie this year, Locals is coming, and we talk about St. Thomas Becket.
Our locals page:
The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Gueranger
Movies & TV:
8-bit Christmas
Other great stuff we like:
Baritus Catholic Illustrations
Pacem in Terris Retreat Center
Restoration of Christian Culture from Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey
Restoration of Christian Culture PDF
Sam and Mena’s podcast: Engaged at 18
liturgical calendar from Sofia Institute Press
Gregory the Great’s St. Nicholas Guild
Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary
Mac’s book! Clueless in Galilee
Find us on our website
Our libsyn page where you can find all our old episodes
Theme song by Mary Bragg.
Our other show: Spoiled! with Mac and Katherine