After Tom’s discovery of three old scrapbooks from the 1960s, comes a heartwarming audio story that celebrates the lives of the Cornish couple whose romantic legacy lives on in those pages. Through poignant storytelling and a rich soundscape, Scrapbook invites you to embark on an emotional and charming adventure that captures the essence of love, life, and the beauty of memories.
Recorded at The Museum of Cornish Life, Cornwall this audio experience brings the past to life, evoking a range of emotions that will resonate with listeners of all ages.
Serving suggestion in how to listen to Scrapbook:
Listen on headphones
In your most comfortable chair
At the turning of the day to night
Scrapbook is a Headphone Story production
Director is Kyla Goodey
Writer, Composer and Actor/Musician is Tom Adams
Co-producers are Tom Adams and Karen Pirie
Sound Recordist and Sound Engineer is Ciaran Clarke
Thank you to Miracle Theatre, The Museum of Cornish Life and everyone at the Over 50s Group at the Draceana Centre in Falmouth
Headphone Story is supported by Arts Council England