Jan 05 2025 64 mins 12
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This episode is dedicated to The Big Fat Quiz.
This episode was edited and transcribed by Cleanvoice. How’d it sound?
Contest of Challengers #718
Theme: Adam WarRock (with Mikal kHill)
Intro/Outro: James VanOsdol
“Patrick” Voices: Richie Kotzen, Christopher Daniels, James Acaster, Sue (Trent’s Mom), RJ City, Arune Singh, James VanOsdol
“Dal” Voices: James VanOsdol, RJ City, Dalton Castle, Sue (Trent’s Mom), Kevin Conroy, Kris Statlander, Skye Blue, Arune Singh
Dal and Patrick Artwork: Daimon Hampton
Challengers Comics + Conversation
1845 N Western Ave • Chicago, IL 60647
773.278.0155 • ChallengersComics.com