•This IS a business podcast, after all.
•It’s Tax Time (never to be confused with “Toni Time”)!
•Paying vendors.
•ComicsPRO news (of which there is little when we recorded).
•Comic talked about in this episode:
This episode is dedicated to all the hard workers of the ComicsPRO Annual Conference.
This episode was edited and transcribed by Cleanvoice. How’d it sound?
Contest of Challengers #725
Theme: Adam WarRock (with Mikal kHill)
Intro/Outro: James VanOsdol
“Patrick” Voices: Richie Kotzen, Christopher Daniels, James Acaster, Sue (Trent’s Mom), RJ City, Arune Singh, James VanOsdol
“Dal” Voices: James VanOsdol, RJ City, Dalton Castle, Sue (Trent’s Mom), Kevin Conroy, Kris Statlander, Skye Blue, Arune Singh
Dal and Patrick Artwork: Daimon Hampton
Challengers Comics + Conversation
1845 N Western Ave • Chicago, IL 60647
773.278.0155 •