Jan 21 2024 47 mins 14
This week, Monica and Louisa talk about the next gen of chefs and King Cake season. Monica interviews chef Erling Wu-Bower who just opened Maxwell Trading, plus chef and TikTok star Jacob Potashnick who’s planning to open Feld in Chicago. Then, Louisa gives us the rundown on Roscas, and what she's hoping for King Cake season.
Louisa Chu: Insta @louisachu1, Threads @louisachu
Monica Eng: Insta @monicaengreporter
Order Made in Chicago: Stories Behind 30 Great Hometown Bites
Theme music: “Zhong Nan Hai” by Carsick Cars
Outro music: “15 Minutes Older” by Carsick Cars
Segments: "Hey Good Lookin'" by Hank Williams
"I Can See Clearly Now" by Johnny Nash