Nov 17 2024 64 mins
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace - Jimi Hendrix.
In our second part of the Genuine Power series, I'm inviting us to explore a different way to look and see the dynamics of power at play on our planet, in people, and how we ourselves can contribute to the kind of power that leads to peace, for all.
I love using the power of language to evolve how we see things - to wake us up to what is real, what's interfering and distracting us, and where we do have the power to be pioneers in co-creating the new, for ourselves, those we influence and interact with and the larger ecosystems and planet we are a part of.
Some things we'll explore together today :
- From Patriarchy --> Power-archy
- From Polarizing Duality Reality -->to New Possibility Paradoxes
- From Domination --> Synergy
- A Wisdom Model for how to go through these times - Wisdom-Power-Love
My intention is that this conversation will serve to give us insight and wisdom to keep bringing us each back to center, and to remember the power of connection to our hearts, the planet, and the people on it.
As well as to give us a elevated way to understand our current times .... which are tied to thousands of years of entertwined power threads ... so we can open our eyes and tune into our bodies and beings to what is real and true. And embrace our unique part and path through this time many call "the Great Change."
There are no simple answers. No one is winning on a planet where so much destruction and domination is thriving. No one is losing, because the story is not over yet.
This is not our time to give our power away to any party or person ... ideology or tribe ...
Not the time to label.
And definitely not the time to let our frequenices get mucked up and our co-creative power get distrracted by all of the interference, fear and chatter out there.
Tune in my friends .... this is the time to go within, and listen. To come together, slow down and connect in meaningful ways. To watch what's playing on the external screen and observe, and be clear about what you are giving your powerful life force. mindshare, and heart energy to.
See you there.
REMEMBER ... Actions of Elevation
- Share this podcast with a friend ... and make a committment to be a point of wisdom and connection this coming year.
- Explore where you have the power to create more ease, peace, simplicity, connection and synergy
- Get clear on what you need to keep your frequency, body, being, heart and mind clear and centered ... including what is NOT supportive, and it's time to reset boundaries
Resources + Connect
- Connect on Linked In -
- Join us for the 2025 Visioning, Intetion Setting + Co Creating
- Connect on Feminine Wisdom Cafe - - go here.
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