Mar 18 2025 50 mins 28
This episode talks about finding how the Savior can strengthen us in our trials. Liberty Jail, my experience on the cruise ship, and Section 25 about Emma.
Click the link below to listen to Saints! Woo hoo!
See also Saints, 1:89–90, 94–97.
Here is a link to buy the book I mentioned, “I Don’t Have to Make Everything All Better.” I highly suggest it for anyone in leadership roles or just about anyone who wants to learn how to validate people’s feelings. I think I need to re-read it every few years. It’s such solid advice.
Here is the talk from Elder Holland, “Lesson’s From Liberty Jail.”
Here are the links in the manual to take you to the other resources they suggest about Emma.
See also “An Elect Lady” (video, Homepage - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ); “Thou Art an Elect Lady,” Revelations in Context, 33–39; Joy D. Jones, “An Especially Noble Calling,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 15–18.
Check out my book, "Feasting on the Words of Christ," where I share a simple, five-step method for receiving answers to your prayers through the scriptures. You're really going to love it!