Mar 10 2024 52 mins 3
Lower interest rates are the economic “solution” many people have been hoping for, but it might actually trigger the very thing we’re afraid of - total collapse. If you look closely at the state of banking, the last thing we need is an event that causes people to start pulling money out of banks.
Banks are insolvent by design. Between the MASSIVE excessive deposits held, their shift from lending to buying short-term treasuries, and the economy’s anemic growth since coronavirus, higher rates have held off the economic shift that is coming.
However, once the Fed begins their rate cutting phase… we could engineer the very bank run that will undermine our solvency and trigger the end of the Fiat system.
The unintentional consequences of lowering interest rates could include the toppling of our economy, so although we might want that as consumers, as Americans, we really don’t.
In this episode, I share MY economic theory that looks to be becoming more likely by the day…
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