Sep 06 2022 37 mins
Over the last decade Saahil scaled 4 of the tallest mountains in the world- a dream that he harboured since 2010. But only when he was able to conquer his self-limiting mindsets & habits, was he able to re-invent the complete spectrum of life, from mental focus to physical excellence, and from beautiful relationships to efficient environments with a singular focus on ‘de-cluttering’ what no longer served his life’s true calling & purpose, to scale the actuals summits of world as well as the metaphorical summits of personal mastery.
Paradoxically on one hand Saahil leads his life with absolute ‘ahimsa,’ the art of non-violence and evangelizes this virtue for all human beings; but when it comes to personal mastery & performance he loves to destroy his limits and consistently conquer himself. With his debut book BREAK-FREE he shares his personal journey of how he transcended all odds to scale the summits of his dreams, and shows you how to master strategic decluttering to break-free and scale your personal summits every single day.
In this episode, you’ll hear
-Saahil’s story of change began with the words “no judgment”
-how he and his wife managed the distance created between them from Saahil showing up differently
-the need for men to allow themselves to be vulnerable