Hey Cannonites!
We've got a script from the 80's in the format of a radio play from the 40's on a podcast in the 20's! And we've got a terrific cast to bring this experience to life! We hope you enjoy!
Follow us on the Socials @CreatingCannon and email us at [email protected]
Starring the Amazing Voice Talent of:
Ben Bode - Roz, Uncle Ben, Letterman
Kari Lee Cartwright - Adele, Lucy
- IG: @justalittleklc || KariLeeCartwright.com
Jessica Goldapple - Aunt May, Leiber
- IG: @jessicagoldapple
Seth Gunawardena - Peter Parker, Spider-man
- IG: sethguna
AJ Hamilton - JJJ, Harry
- IG, Twitter: @theAJHamilton || theajhamilton.com
Jason Lovett - Doc Ock, Flash
- Twitter: @LovettAllDaTime || imdb.me/jasonryanlovett
Armando McClain - Marotta, Reiss, Steve
Nicholas C. Pappas - Narrator, Hulk Hogan
- Twitter: @NicholasCPappas || nicholascpappas.com
Adrienne Papp - Liz, Betty
- Twitter: @awpapp || Adriennewhitneypapp.com
Tahmus Rounds - Thorkel, Politico
Musical Attribution:
Mist Forest - by Migfus20: https://freesound.org/people/Migfus20/
Mystery - by ispeakwaves: https://freesound.org/people/ispeakwaves/sounds/411867/
Turbo Rush - by Aries Beats : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIVBlwx1H5o&t=0s