May 02 2024 71 mins
On this episode, we do our first ever "music draft" on the band Explosions In The Sky. We discuss: musical setups and payoffs, how music without lyrics is its own gift, a wholly different live show and what that means for the church, a wide array of emotions, the fact of "sad, triumphant," and so much more!
Jared's Drafted List:
1) Day One
2) The Only Moment We Were Alone
3) Yasmin The Light
4) Loved Ones
5) Memorial
6) Greet Death
7) The Birth And The Death Of Day
Josh's Drafted List:
1) Your Hand In Mine
2) All Mountains
3) First Breath After Coma
4) Catastrophe And The Cure
5) Postcard From 1952
6) Losing The Light
7) Ten Billion People
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