Jul 24 2024 73 mins 1
Part 1. We’ll get back to the Bean Barge Trio sometime. For now, we have another party to follow: three travelers embark on a journey to find a mythical cure for a deadly, unnerving, and oft-thought incurable disease. The clock is ticking for one among them--are the adventurers marching toward salvation or demise?
Get ready for an Actual Play mini-series that combines a hexcrawl and adventure supplement. Hop onto your Packsquab and explore the science fantasy world of Cloud Empress with us!
Content Warning: Violence, Language, Giant Psychic Bugs, Chronic Illness, Body Horror (Skin).
GM: the voice of the Escape Vector Podcast
Casper Cloudshot (Magician) is played by Trevor Brookes
Bek Fallows (Sellsword) is played by Kaitlyn Meloche Ratz
Hog Heartbreaker (Courier) is played by Dakota Burgin
Kaitlyn and Dakota are 2/3 of the Came To Play podcast, often about indie and cult favourite video games. They are so much fun! I love every episode.
“The Seed Vault” is a scenario written by Samantha Leigh for the Cloud Empress Ecological Science Fantasy RPG created by watt. This Actual Play is also based on material from watt’s Cloud Empress hexcrawl setting book, “Land of Cicadas”. Both can be found on DriveThruRPG.com at the following affiliate links: The Seed Vault [part of the Year One Bundle] and Cloud Empress: Land of Cicadas. Using our affiliate links helps the show via commission without drawbacks for you--please consider it! Visit Cloudempress.com for more info on the RPG!
!! Our first Mothership RPG adventure has been published !!
Check out the cinematic trailer for “What Stirs Below”, an adventure scenario written by me, the Escape Vector, for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG published by Tuesday Knight Games. Spider00x (known best for RANE IN BLOOD, MIAMI LASER CUTTER MASSACRE, and more) contributed graphic design and some art.
> Follow the FREE Escape Vector newsletter ("TRANSMISSIONS")!
> Visit and follow the Escape Vector DriveThruRPG page [affiliate link] for "What Stirs Below" and future Escape Vector publications.
> The Print+PDF bundle for "What Stirs Below" is NOW AVAILABLE (while supplies last) on the Tuesday Knight Games webstore. Please also leave a review!
>Visit https://www.mothershiprpg.com/ or the Mothership DriveThruRPG.com page [affiliate link] for more Mothership.
++ Music from Epidemic Sound, by Marten Moses, Bitwraith, and Max Anson. Sound FX also from Epidemic Sound. Sign up and try a subscription with our Epidemic Sound affiliate link to help the show!
++ Thanks to our listeners for supporting the show! Please consider downloading our episodes; it helps us out even more! Follow and reach us via Instagram (@escape_vector), email ([email protected]), or even leave us a voice message on SpeakPipe (https://www.speakpipe.com/escapevectorpodcast)!