Sep 05 2024 19 mins
Listen in as we continue to work our way through the root cause questionnaire to help you uncover your acne root cause.
Sometimes the answer could be as simple as a nutrient depletion, which we are seeing more and more of these days especially with the rise in toxins and viruses we are exposed to.
So how can we address this? Listen in as I break it all down for you.
Links mentioned in the show:
Join the Naturally Clear Membership - This month (September) we are diving into all things functional blood testing, key markers to look at and what the functional ranges should be.
Thank you so much for being here! I am so happy to have you and hope this podcast provides you with the resources you need as you navigate the complicated world of acne, skin health, gut health, wellness and more!
I would love to connect with you over on IG @detoxingwithdani