Mar 22 2023 49 mins 3
In this episode, I talk to my very Parisienne, very chic, very cool pal, Marie Chalamet.
Like me, Marie is divorced. And like me, her marriage ended when she was in her early 30s. In this episode, we talk about food, of course, but we also talk about divorce and romantic relationships. Her approach to relationships and life, in general, is quite different from mine. Where she goes with the flow and takes things as they come, I am someone that needs to plan, understand, and analyze. Essentially, I overthink everything. Especially when it comes to matters of the heart. I’m getting better at not doing that all the time, but it’s still my default.
I walked away from this conversion with the following questions: why am I worried about what’s going to happen in 3 months when it’s day 4 of me getting to know someone? Why am I putting so much pressure on myself? Why am I getting SOOOO WOUND UPPPP??? I won’t say that this conversation completely changed me but, if you suffer from overthinking like me, I hope this conversation helps you to BREATHE take it easy and, as Marie suggests, just live in the moment.