Mar 11 2017 22 mins
The NAIDEX show is coming at the end of March in Birmingham and it is under new management. I have spoken a lot to the new event organisers Prysm, and they seem to be very much on the ball. Well, they have asked me to speak at the show on 2 days;-)
I am in good company on the podium; our great friend Martyn Sibley is speaking and also Victoria Abbot-Fleming form the Burning Nights Charity and is a guest in this podcast episode.
We also chat to Josie Carnaby from Prysm who tells us what new features we can expect at the 2017 show. I am certainly looking forward to the event and I feel it should be the highlight of the year if you are disabled and want to know the very latest in technological advances and care services that are available. Do attend my talks if you can I will be speaking on Tuesday and Thursday about online dating and how to get the best from your membership at disabilitymatch.