Jun 26 2023 15 mins
This coming episode we talk with the producer of Dani’s Twins, disability policy expert and aspiring Dad: Andy Arias. We talk about the impact of creativity on policy, his reasons for producing Dani’s twins, and why disabled people might just make slightly better parents than their able counterparts. Here’s a hint: it’s not based on our ability to teach a kid how to ride a bike.
For a full transcript of this episode please visit https://www.disartnow.org/podcasts/in-a-flash-episode-5-part-2-danis-twin/.
Image Description: In the foreground of the image is a white disabled man smiling into the camera. He has brown hair combed into a swoop. He wears a blue and white shirt under a long scarf of varied grays and whites. In the background is the quote “"What do you want your life to look like? What do you want your rights to be? The film in a lot of ways, says 'Hello. Wake up! You can be disabled and have the gift of loving and supporting and of family and of children.” The quote is attributed to Andy Arias, Producer of the Award-Winning Documentary Dani's Twins. At the bottom of the image is the episode title: In a Flash Episode 5 ‘’Dani’s Twins Part 2” A stamp over the image reminds you to “Stay tuned for the next episode.”