Jun 15 2024 26 mins
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is the story of Joel, portrayed by Jim Carrey, who met Clementine, Kate Winslet. After a whirlwind romance they decide that it is not working out so they approach a doctor who will erase them from their memories. “This film uses elements of psychological drama, surrealism, science fiction and a nonlinear narrative to explore the nature of memory and love.” (Source: IMDB.com)
00:00 - DMP Ad
:30 - Introduction
:46 - The Film Facts
6:22 - Clementine’s hair color
21:29 - Head Trauma
22:12 - Smoochie, Smoochie, Smoochie
22:47 - Driving Review
23:30 - To the Numbers
25:27 - Next week’s movie
Next week’s film will be Wine Country (2019)
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