Real Estate Agents, you’re stressed! Kim Johnson and I delve into why and what you can do about it! Welcome to Lets Talk About Real Estate Podcast - This is Lisa B and today I have the amazing Kim Johnson ( as my guest. Kim is the author of the book - Who's Driving Your Bus?: A simple solution to the complex challenge of managing your emotions ( I first met Kim through Tony Robbins ( - Kim was a coach for Tony Robbins for many years, clocking up over 50,000 hours of coaching. That’s a LOT of coaching! Coaching allows us to see patterns in people. It allows us to recognise their limiting beliefs and their model of the world. Kim specialises in coaching real estate agents. Today, Kim and I discuss stress in real estate and why real estate agents feel stressed the majority of the time. Why they never seem to feel settled. We discuss how to recognise emotions and what to do about them. And let’s be realistic. It’s normal to have off times… off days.. off weeks even. Our job is to aim to NOT live in a non-resourseful state permanently, and the first step is self-analysis. We want to be resourceful. Kim will share with you how to recognise your feelings, and how to change the drivers of your life. We also discuss some of the things we both learned throughout our long time with Tony Robbins. Kim worked with Tony Robbins as a coach for many years, and over the years I immersed myself in Tony’s teachings. I was part of his amazing platinum partners group ( and the year that I joined Platinum Partners, I travelled 145 days in the year. If you would like more information about Kim’s coaching reach out to her here - Mindset With Kim Johnson ( - Kim is amazing!! #stressinrealestate #selfhelprealestate #realestateagentstraining #realestatetraining #exp #exprealty #stress #expaustralia