Apr 21 2023 64 mins 23
Jenner Linden shares her breakthrough moment where she realized that everything was not what it seemed. You’ll also hear about:
What happened when Jenner listened to her intuition and created a heart-centered community
Connecting with other witchy folks in a safe supportive space
What it feels like to be seen as your true self
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Jenner Linden founded The Wild Ones Community to **give voice** to heart-centered seekers and transformational leaders. As an intuitive coach, she has cultivated a healing space where folks are free to explore their wild side and path to personal fulfillment. Jennifer’s annual ReWilding Online Retreat has attracted over 18K people from around the world dedicated to shedding layers of conditioning and living out their truth. With the right tools, everyone has the power to fall wildly in love with the lives they are creating.
In this episode, we talk about:
Jenner shares her bathroom floor moment and the story of her breakthrough
What happened when Jenner stepped outside her programming
Taking off the layers that are hiding your magic
Shadow integration and walking side by side with the darkness
On taking healing to the next step and integrating the awareness moments
What happened when Jenner felt seen as her true self for the first time
Trusting in love and connection
Creating and navigating boundaries
How creating a devotional, daily practice can affect how you show up in the world
What are morning pages and why it works for Jenner and her business
How intuitive messages show up for Jenner
What Natalie and Jenner wish they had discovered sooner on their healing journey
What is the Wild Ones Community?
The ways that the Wild Ones Community is supporting folks in being seen as their true witchy, woo, and wild self
Connecting with other witchy folks in a space supportive and heart-centered space
Jenner shares about her upcoming free ReWilding Online Retreat
And so much more!
Secret Episodes! Get access to past secret episodes at https://www.earthspeak.love/secret.
Earth Speak Links:
Join the Earth Speak Collective Membership at https://www.earthspeak.love/collective
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Guest Links:
Learn more about Jennifer’s offerings at www.thewildones.community
Learn more about the Free ReWilding Retreat
Explore the ReWilding Activation Bundle
Join the Wild Ones Community
Connect with Jennifer on Instagram @we.arewild // https://www.instagram.com/we.arewild
Explore Jennifer’s Pinterest
Native Land https://native-land.ca/
Episode 63 || Becca Piastrelli https://www.earthspeak.love/shows-1/becca-piastrelli-63
Human Design https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Design
Red Lake shootings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Lake_shootings
Columbine High School Massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbine_High_School_massacre
Book || The secret https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_(Byrne_book)
Shadow integration https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_(psychology)
Kundalini https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kundalini
Vagus nerve https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagus_nerve
Morning pages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Artist%27s_Way
Akashic Records https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akashic_records
NLP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuro-linguistic_programming
Tapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_Freedom_Techniques
Higher Self https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_self
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Theme music is “It’s Easier” by Scarlet Crow http://www.scarletcrow.org/ and “Meeting Again” by Emily Sprague https://mlesprg.info/
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