Have you ever told yourself, “I’ll start working on THAT once I’m done with this big project!” Or… “I’m really going to get started on that goal once we’re on the other side of the holidays.” Or… “I’m really going to start making time for ME… once I get this off my plate.”
Ever been there? Well… if you’re like me (and many of my Coaching Clients)... you tell yourself that but THEN… on the other side of that project… the holidays… or getting that thing off your plate… something else fills that time and you never get started on the thing you REALLY want to do… experience or achieve.
Yup… that phenomenon is what we call “The Illusion of Future Time.”
And in THIS episode we not only talk about “The Illusion of Future Time” and how it can sneak in and kill your big dreams and goals… before you even get started. But we also dig into tools to help you to BEAT the “Future Time Illusion!”
It’s a deep dive! That means it’s just you and me! And we are going to have fun. So let’s get to it!
I give my conversation with Yoga expert James Miller a shout out! So if you want to check that out… you can listen in here: mitchmatthews.com/248
Want some help with setting goals and making them STICK? Join me for an episode called “How to Set Goals that will STICK!:” mitchmatthews.com/107
Don’t forget to check out my most recent conversation with Chase Jarvis about breaking free from the “Half-Lived Life:” www.mitchmatthews.com/411
Remember… you can now check out Mitch’s OTHER podcast called “ENCOURAGING THE ENCOURAGERS” anywhere you listen to podcasts.
It’s specifically designed for Coaches, Speakers and Content Creators and provides a quick dose of inspiration, strategy AND… of course… encouragement!
Find it on Apple Podcasts: Click here
Find it on Spotify: Click here
Find it on Anchor: Click here
Find it on Google: Click here
- If I could give you 40 hours to work on THAT THING... would you take it?
- REMEMBER: 15 minutes a day + 5 days a week + 52 weeks a year = 65 hours over a year.
- 15 minutes doesn't feel like enough to a PERFECTIONIST!
- So… watch out for the "PERFECTIONIST DILEMA"
“Don't focus on PERFECTION... focus on PROGRESS!”
Avoid the "Figure It Out Fallacy:"
- Agree with yourself to FIGURE IT OUT AS YOU GO!
Ask yourself... "Who can I be learning from?"
Pablo Picasso said,
"Action is the foundations key to all success."
Okay… THIS was fun. But I’m curious (as always!).
What’s something that stood out to you? What’s something that resonated with YOU?
More importantly… what’s something you’re going to try with as a result?
I want to hear from YOU!
Leave a comment and let’s hear from YOU!
And hey… share this with a friend and ask them to join you on the journey of beating the “Illusion of Future Time” and get started on that BIG DREAM or GOAL… right now!
Let’s do this!
Episode Minute By Minute:
- 0:00 - Introduction to the concept of "The Illusion of Future Time."
- 1:26 - Mitch shares a story of a recent coaching client struggling with feeling "stuck" despite outward success.
- 2:39 - Discussion on the Dream, Think, Do framework and the importance of taking intentional action.
- 5:02 - Breaking down the illusion that we’ll have more time in the future.
- 6:07 - "The Future Time Illusion" defined as a false belief that leads to delaying meaningful pursuits.
- 8:05 - The challenge of waiting for retirement or the "perfect time" to start big dreams.
- 10:20 - First strategy: Start small with as little as 15 minutes a day to make progress on big goals.
- 15:16 - Mitch shares inspiring stories of individuals who achieved significant progress by starting small.
- 18:13 - The "Perfectionist Dilemma" and the importance of focusing on progress, not perfection.
- 21:09 - Second strategy: Avoid the "Figure It Out Fallacy," recognizing that learning happens as you go.
- 24:00 - Emphasizing the value of celebrating small wins to avoid burnout and stay motivated.
- 27:26 - Story from a speaker mastermind on how recognizing small wins fuels long-term success.
- 28:45 - The power of storytelling in effective communication and connecting with others.
- 30:21 - Final strategy: "Who Can I Be Learning From?" to accelerate growth by seeking mentors.
- 34:46 - Reminder to give yourself permission to get additional training in areas of interest.
- 37:00 - Quoting Pablo Picasso: "Action is the foundation key to all success."
- 38:15 - Encouragement to take small but consistent actions rather than waiting for perfection.
- 40:12 - Wrapping up with the classic story of "The Tortoise and the Hare" to illustrate consistent, steady progress.
- 41:08 - Mitch’s final message: Start now, invite friends, and make a daily commitment to work on dreams.