Oct 01 2020 13 mins 5
We’re talking with Harris III about how prayer has impacted his life and his work. Harris is a professional illusionist who has performed for more than two million people on five continents. His unique approach and innovative thinking have also caught the attention of executives at organizations like Apple, Disney, Nike, and NASA.
His new book is called “The Wonder Switch.” I talked with him about all of THAT in episode 292 of DREAM THINK DO, so be sure to check that out. But in this short BONUS interview, we talk about a powerful prayer experience that helped Harris to know that God wants to be in the details AND it changed the way he lived! I think you’ll dig it!
- Harris III website: harrisiii.com
- The Book: harrisiii.com
- Harris III Instagram: www.instagram.com/harrisiii
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/harristhethird
- Twitter: twitter.com/HarrisII
- YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/HarristheThird
Let me know what you think about his story. Have you ever wondered whether you can talk to God about the “details” of life… especially subjects like the money? I know I wrestled with this for a while. Comment and let me know what you think. I can’t wait to hear from YOU!