Mar 05 2024 46 mins 1
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Today’s guest is Soonest Nathaniel. We discussed Soonest's extensive reading list and use of the library, as well as his note-taking practices. We also discussed his influences, college career, ambitions, spoken word poetry, Iowa traffic, and learning to write to impress girls.
Bio: Soonest Nathaniel (poet, spoken-word artist; Nigeria) is the author of the mixed-genre volume BURYING THE GHOSTS OF DEAD NARRATIVES (2022) and the poetry collection TEACHING FATHER HOW TO IMPREGNATE WOMEN (2018). The winner of the 2017 RL Poetry Award and many Nigerian poetry and spoken-word competitions, he was named a Langston Hughes Fellow at the Palm Beach Festival and served as the Poet Laureate for the Korea Nigeria Poetry Festival; his poems appear in Nigerian, US, and British magazines. He participates thanks to a grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State.
Read Soonest Nathaniel’s writing sample:
Say the World: An International Writing Podcast is made by the International Writing Program. The hosts are IWP Director Christopher Merrill, most recently the author of ON THE ROAD TO LVIV (Arrowsmith Press, 2023) and IWP Communications Coordinator Mike Meginnis, most recently the author of DROWNING PRACTICE (Ecco, 2022). Additional research, transcription, and other support provided by Research Assistant Derick Edgren Otero.
IWP programming is primarily funded by the University of Iowa and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the U.S. Department of State, with additional funding provided by organizations like the Doris Duke Foundation, as well as donors like you. If you’d like to donate to IWP, go to
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