Jan 22 2025 55 mins 5
Adam Sparks is back to continue our conversation about writing instruction in the age of AI. We’re diving into even more actionable strategies, from using tools like ShortAnswer to embedding more writing across the curriculum to help students recover those lost writing reps. Plus, we tackle big-picture topics like teaching students to use AI effectively, leveraging AI in scoring state-level assessments, and being intentional about making learning relevant. And stick around for updates from Pear Deck, MagicSchool, and Screencastify Submit.
#EduDuctTape Episode 115
- Today's Sponsor
- Swivl - bit.ly/mirrortalkjake
- SoapBox Moment - “Cholesterol, Cheating, and Heartaches from AI-Detection Tools”
- President John F. Kennedy’s Address at Rice University on the Nation’s Space Effort - jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/historic-speeches/address-at-rice-university-on-the-nations-space-effort (Copyright Status: Public Domain)
- Today’s Guest: Adam Sparks taught for 7 years before recently finishing his Masters in Learning Design and Technology at Stanford. At Stanford, Adam designed a writing tool called Short Answer that he now builds full time. As a part of his work with Short Answer, Adam leads PD with schools across the country on adjusting writing instruction in the wake of AI.
- Contact Info: Email: [email protected], Website: myshortanswer.com, Twitter: @mrsparkstweets Bluesky: @adamsparks.bsky.social
- Educational Duct Tape Question: How should educators teach & assess writing in the age of AI?
- Step 1: Clear classroom policies (see the previous episode)
- Step 2: Shortform, formative, targeted, in-class writing (starts in the previous episode)
- Dylan William
- Short Answer - myshortanswer.com
- Dylan Wiliam webinar recording: myshortanswer.com/webinar-recording-for-ai-k12-assessment-a-conversation-with-dr-dylan-wiliam
- Step 3: More writing across the curriculum
- Making up for lost writing reps
- The Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Clearinghouse - wac.colostate.edu/repository/teaching/intro
- Step 4: Teach kids to use AI effectively
- OpenAI blog post - “A Student’s Guide to Writing with ChatGPT” - openai.com/chatgpt/use-cases/student-writing-guide
- Brainstorm, research, debate partner, organize writing…
- SchoolAI - schoolai.com
- Step 5: More state level assessments relating to writing instruction
- More urgency around the “and write” part of literacy is about how “to read and write”
- Leveraging AI in the scoring of these assessments
- Computers in education journal - "Can AI provide useful holistic writing instruction?" - sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666920X24000584
- "Comparing the quality of human and ChatGPT feedback of students’ writing" - sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959475224000215
- How to de-emphasize the desire to cheat: Be intentional about the relevance of learning
- Arran Hamilton, Dylan William, & John Hattie article - “The Future of AI in Education: 13 Things We Can Do to Minimize the Damage” - osf.io/preprints/edarxiv/372vr
- Literacy as a predictor of health & well-being
- Ability to communicate as important in all walks of life
- Authenticity of writing
- Carrie Spector’s article with Denise Pope & Victor Lee - “What do AI chatbots really mean for students and cheating?” - acceleratelearning.stanford.edu/story/what-do-ai-chatbots-really-mean-for-students-and-cheating
- Short Answer Mailing List - us21.list-manage.com/contact-form?u=4c662a781896ad760601bc399&form_id=43697352749ef4d4954f28529a0593f4
- Edu News I’ve Got My Peepers On:
- Pear Deck Adds Auto-Graded Questions - youtu.be/G7hpt8vtZHk?si=RRtfJCJEXyMRhfT_&t=83
- Customize Tools in MagicSchool - youtube.com/watch?v=A13c9rYytUQ
- New Screencastify Submit Features