Oct 03 2023 23 mins 4
I overheard some teachers talking in a coffee shop a while ago...and I while I sat listening to them...offended...I also thought about how we (meaning you...and me!) can persuade them to think a little deeper.
So today on the podcast, it's a bit different-because it's story telling time! Both in how staff learns behavior management (-or not-), and my own story of creating some change with a kiddo with "behaviors."
We also tackle:
-Why ABA in the schools is such a big deal.
-What is PBIS?
-And how we can actually have changing ideals from behavior being "dealt with" to changing the perspective to equal more and unique support needs?
So is this week's episode excusing the archaic nature of schools and behavior? Absolutely not!
Will it create an "ah-hah" moment that allows you to craft your questions and support requests in a way that makes staff question if "what they've always done" is really the best way?
I sure hope so!
Sign up for the FREE October 13th Parent Training: Is My Child's IEP/504 Working? https://TheIEPLab.com/FREE
Shownotes: https://TheIEPLab.com/episode145