Sep 12 2022 45 mins
Human beings are enthralled by stories and use them as tools to connect, to make sense of the world, to engage and transmit information from one person to another, one community to another, and one generation to another. Our stories influence our beliefs and our culture. Personal heartfelt stories engage our brain in unique and powerful ways. We'll talk about why we encourage others to tell their stories inside EWP, why micro-mentoring matters, and why Social Learning Theory suggests most human learning occurs observationally through modeling. One woman physician telling her story has the power to change the world around her. Thousands of women physicians telling their story has the power to change the culture of medicine.
Dr. Uri Hasson Lab at Princeton (Suzuki et al. Dialogues: Science and Power of Storytelling. J Neuroscience 2018 Oct 31; 38(44): 9468–9470. TED talk , Youtube Storytelling impacts our future) & Dr. Paul Zak. (Neuroscience of stories)
Bandura A. Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1977.
David Foster Wallace - This is Water.
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