Oct 30 2024 76 mins 78
Ikara retreat center is located in the southern zone of Costa Rica. Ikara is the western representative of Mboka A Nzambe -- one of the last traditional Bwete villages in Gabon.
King Adumangana of Mboka A Nzambe invited Kuma to join the African village and be initiated as a Miobe Nganga. During his initiation, Kuma was taken deep into the Babongo territories (the home of the Babongo Pygmies) in Dibios to do his rite of passage Mweli before his initiation could be completed. Kuma was the first westerner to be initiated for this great privilege. King Adumangana wanted Kuma to be his advocate for the west and convey the knowledge, teachings, and spirituality of Bwete.
In this way, the main aim of Ikara is to screen people who may wish to visit Mboka A Nziambe in Gabon. King Adumangana wants people to come and experience the traditional process of rebirth in its traditional manner. Ikara offers traditional Babongo Miobe Ombudi Iboga ceremonies as taught by Spiritual Father King Adumangana. All profits go directly to Mboka A Nzambe and the 7 Babongo villages supported in Dibois.
For more information about the Ethos and offerings of these sacred and special places, please see: https://www.ikararetreat.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ikararetreat/
This podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform, or here: https://endoftheroad.libsyn.com/episode-301-kuma-bwenze-bweteibogareconciliationspiritual-possession
Have a blessed weekend!