Dec 31 2024 314 mins 2
Happy New Year! And here, for your unhinged pleasure, is me and returning guest Kit Power discussing our highlights of the 1993 Stephen King short story anthology Nightmares and Dreamscapes. For over (checks notes) 5 hours. An all-time record. Yikes. Vital timestamps below.
ENJOY! And we'll be back with more later in the the year!
0.00 - Penguin/Joker
0.26 - N&D/the Intro
1.03 - Dolan's Cadillac
1.43 - Popsy
2.15 - The Doctor's Case
2.49 - Crouch End
3.20 - The End Of The Whole Mess
3.51 - It Grows On You
4.31 - My Pretty Pony
You can find the show on X at @EGoat_pod (or post at me on @D_Faggiani - I'm on Bluesky too) and email us with any feedback on [email protected]. All our episodes so far are on Spotify, our YouTube channel, and Apple Podcasts. Do spread the word! We also have a Patreon - any amount of money will get you early access to episodes, and help support the show!
Kit Power lives in Milton Keynes and writes horror and dark crime fiction, with occasional forays into dystopian science fiction. His fiction work includes a novel, ‘GodBomb!’, and a novella collection ‘Breaking Point’, two short story collections (‘A Warning About Your Future Enslavement That You Will Dismiss As A Collection Of Short Fiction And Essays By Kit Power’ and ‘Voices’) and novellas ‘The Finite’ and ‘A Song For The End’. He also writes non-fiction ( with Volume 1 and 2 also available in book format) and has a limited hardback available on the subject of Ken Russell’s movie Tommy. In his increasingly inaccurately labelled spare time, he podcasts - on his own show, Watching Robocop With Kit Power, on What The Hell Is Wrong With Us? with George Lea - and, as mentioned in the show, he has recently launched the new podcast series The Ultimate Horror Anthology with fellow horror author Jasper Bark. For weekly early access to his fiction, non-fiction, and podcasting work, visit He has also been on seven (!) previous episodes of The EscapeGoat Podcast, discussing each part of the original UK House of Cards Trilogy in turn, the Stephen King short story collection Skeleton Crew, his essay collection My Life In Horror Volume II, the classic British gangster movie The Long Good Friday, and the South Park tie-in album Chef Aid. Check them out! Also get him on Bluesky.
All original intro, outro and other incidental music recorded and made available by kind permission of Richard Gilbert.
Will add to these early in the New Year - ran out of time before my NYE party :D