Aug 20 2023 44 mins
Want to create powerful shifts in your life, your mental health, your relationships and the world? Apply this simple yet profound practice.
In this episode I am going to dive into a fundamental principle of our modern medical and healthcare systems, the american counseling and psychological associations and the foundations of yoga philosophies. Yet, many of us have strayed so far from it… Bringing this one back to the forefront could create incredible shifts. hope you stick around.
Remember: this podcast is designed to teach you the fundamentals of why we are the way we are, why we do the things we do and how to create lasting change. This is my mission: to help us learn the skills and remember how to reconnect to ourselves, to each other and to our world. I hope you join me to awaken these remembrances, ignite this spark, inspire, spread and align… with love. Pass it on.
Connect with me on IG @anahata_wellness, or send me questions or feedback via email at [email protected] .
Some links to topics discussed:
Optimism and Health:
Love and the Brain:
Happiness is Contagious: