It’s that wonderful time of year when Alison guides Rebecca and Liz through the upcoming legislative sessions in states across the country. We discuss upsetting trends in state legislation and bills we’re monitoring that affect the separation of church and state and threaten true religious liberty for everyone.
Background and Resources
What you can do
FFRF and American Atheists’ Action Alerts
Bills Discussed
Religion in schools
School chaplain bills
Oklahoma HB 2962: Would require the display of the Ten Commandments in classrooms
Utah HB 269: Would allow teachers to display the Ten Commandments in classrooms
Arizona SB 1151: Would allow teachers to display the Ten Commandments in classrooms
West Virginia SB 280: Would allow teachers to each intelligent design as a theory of how the universe came to exist
Trans bills
The Guardian - “Missouri is ground zero for the firehose of anti-trans legislation”
Missouri HB1674: Would make it discrimination for a business to allow trans employees to access appropriate bathrooms
Utah HB 257: Would make using a bathroom that does not align with one’s sex assigned at birth a criminal trespass offense
Missouri HB 1519: Prohibits discrimination against health care professionals who refuse to assist in trans healthcare
Oklahoma SB 1729: Would recognize abortion as homicide
Idaho HJR001: Would remove the no aid clause from the Idaho constitution
Cases Discussed
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