Feb 03 2025 10 mins
In this episode, to those of you who are beginners and just getting started in the world of day trading, I want to introduce you to someone you will, without doubt, experience in your day trader journey. Who do I need to introduce you to? The dirty dog! Over my years of coaching other traders and running the YouTube channel, I’ve found that while it may not be the most popular way to go about growing an audience, setting expectations in line with reality is the best way to give someone a chance at success. If you show up in the market expecting something that is not reality… when “the thing” happens to you, you’ll be caught off guard and not know what to think or do. When this occurs, the self-doubt arises which can lead to uncertainty and unnecessary changes to strategies and overall market approaches. The fact of the matter is, no strategy can avoid the dirty dog and that’s exactly why I want you to meet the dirty dog as soon as possible as a beginner. Let’s get to it!