What does the Bible say about the body of Christ? - S2 - Ep.2

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Apr 29 2024 27 mins  

As a science major in college and graduate school, I am very familiar with dissection. In order to understand the function of the human body, we look at the parts. We study it in sections. We would focus on the head and neck, then the chest, the organs, blood flow, nervous system…you get the idea. We would take a very detailed look at a body part to understand how it is structured. But to fully understand we had to see how it connected to the whole body and the function it played overall.

The kingdom of God is referred to as the body of Christ. It is not a building. Or a denomination. It is the people of God that are the temple of God, the place where He has chosen to dwell.

What does the Bible say about the body of Christ?

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. 1 Corinthians 12:12-14

  1. We are one body, of many parts.

  2. United in Christ

  3. Baptized by one Spirit

  4. Jews, Gentiles, slaves and free all one in Christ

If that is true, then why are we so divided?

Join Dana in this look at the dissection happening the body of Christ and discover the key to moving as one body. If we want to partner in the move of God in this hour, we have to prepare our hearts to receive it and be fully connected to the heart of God. Now is the time for healing the heart of the church so we can move forward as one body fearless and free, to be all He has created the Church to be.

Hosted by Dana Grindal//danagrindal.com//@danagrindal

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