Are You a Fan, Follower, or in Fellowship with Jesus? - S2 - Ep.3

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May 20 2024 26 mins  

In a world of celebrities, superstars, entertainers and influencers we can get confused on what it means to be a Christian. Is it a mob of fans lined up for tickets to the latest worship experience? Is it a crowd of people pushing to get a good seat in the megachurch? Is it following the big name preacher, prophetic speaker, or theological giant?

Let’s explore together.

  • What is a Jesus Fan?

  • Aren't we to be Jesus Followers?

  • What does it mean to be in fellowship with Him?

The Kingdom of God is at hand. The Lord Himself is preparing the people of God for the return of Christ. It is time for the Bride to be dressed and ready, eagerly and expectant for her bridegroom.

  • Our churches today are filled with people who know about Jesus, and cheer for HIm, but don't really know Him.

  • Only those fully surrendered to the presence of God will transform lives and impact communities.
  • As one who has been a sinner, fan, follower and now in fellowship, I can testify that no one is too far from Him. The one who has been forgiven much loves much. Luke 7:41-47

If we want to partner in the move of God in this hour, we have to prepare our hearts to receive it and carry the weighty responsibility. Now is the time for healing the heart of the church to move forward fearless and free, to be all He has created us to be.

Hosted by Dana Grindal//

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