Oct 09 2024 54 mins
The Lord longs to give us His Holy Spirit power, not just power for selfish gain but power so that we can be a witness in testifying about the truth of God. It’s okay if we don’t have the personality of the prerequisite in our biblical education to do so but all we need is the power to go out and preach this word with our lives. Along with the power we also need to be able to discern where the Holy Spirit is leading us because some things can simply be a good idea instead of a God idea. Sometimes the call of God might lead us to encounter closed doors which is why it is important to start any journey with a revelation from God. Our road might lead us to opposition which does not always mean that God is not in it but a reminder to stand firm on the word He first gave us. The enemy will make us put our faith in fear instead of the plan that God has for us, especially if it is one that requires faith. We might not have the provision or the right relationships but when God says now He means it and He plans to provide for everything!
When we are chosen to change the world we have to:
1 Fear God, not Man
2 Shake the dust off my feet and get back up
3 Never let my praise be silenced
Fears are proportional to the God we serve, if we serve a little God we will be scared of everything but if we serve a big God we will be scared of nothing. People are yearning for a demonstration of the power of God and we need some believers who will not just know the word but will operate in Dunamis power so that when people hear the teaching and see the move of God they will have no choice but to believe. God's ways are greater than ours and He will allow us to walk through storms, closed doors, miracles, signs and wonders but all these things are only a result of obedience. We might be attacked at our place of greatest value and have to overcome fear to get to the other side but it will all be worth it because God’s word will and always will be true!
Application: Has the Fear of Man, fear of failure or the fear of losing what you know to be your life kept you from stepping out into the call that He has for you?
Prayer: Father I pray that I will be able to subject myself to your good and perfect will always. I want to get rid of the fear of man and the fear of failure because I know that faith requires obedience and above all, I long to be obedient to your will. Mold me as clay and allow me to become a vessel for your Glory!