Oct 14 2024 50 mins
The 7th hour represents the God hour over our life as 7 is the number of completion. Sometimes in life we find ourselves stuck on a road without end but with, there is always something to expect at the finish line. It's at the 7th hour that miracles take place, it’s where the sun stands still and we see God move. The Roman Official that came to Jesus for a miracle heard the stories but he wasn’t a follower of Jesus yet he came humbly to God as the answer for his heart's cry. What Jesus ended up giving this man was a word, a precious word that was planted on rich soil that then yielded a harvest of a miracle. That one word of God is more than a 1000 words from man. God is trying to deposit life in us but we often fail to listen to what He’s saying to us. He is giving us a word that is active and living and He is marking us with His word. When He speaks, things move and form planets and that same God is speaking to us daily because He wants to produce a harvest in us.
Here are some things to consider when God deposits a word in our lives:
1. Is God’s word enough or are we looking for signs? If we’re looking for signs we often times get side tracked by the enemy.
2. His word won’t allow us to camp in the middle of our journey because He is good to his word.
3. The devil plants seeds of death or a weed that produces fruit that he hopes will KILL the promise God spoke over.
God speaks in pictures and works in processes. Once you understand the process, the blessings and miracles are infinite. Every single person that held fruit has gone through the whole process of stewarding and cultivating seeds and the process pulls out those weeds that could destroy that good work in our hearts. God will plant His word in the dead parts of our live because it’s those dead things (the manure) that will ultimately give birth to life!
Here are some things to know about seeds:
• A seed (our dreams) can remain dormant for years
• Some seeds (dreams) need winter before the sprout
• Soil (our heart) health is more important than you think
• Seeds (dreams) need darkness (to be buried) to germinate
• Farmers rotate crops (God rotates our dreams) to maintain soil health
• Plants (our spirits will protect those dreams) use chemical warfare to survive
• Seeds (our dreams) contain all they need to grow
• Seed (dreams) spacing is crucial
• Not all seeds (dreams) sprout even in perfect condition
• Seeds (dreams) respond to gravity, they know which way the roots and shoots need to grow.