Apr 05 2024 52 mins 20
Cancelled Comic Cavalcade
Hello, and welcome to episode 367 of The Fantasticast. Each episode, Steve Lacey guides you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.
After an extended break, Steve is back to continue his journey through the latter issues of Marvel Two-in-One. What happens if a team-up books doesn't involve a team-up, and neither title star recognises each other? What happens if the non-title guest stars are more interesting than the actual guest star? And what happens if The Thing is actually his own grandfather in an attempt to match the Marvel sliding timescale with a story set in a very specific timeframe? Find out in this week's Fantasticast!
Tom DeFalco, Ron Wilson, Chic Stone, George Roussos, Michael Higgins, Jim Salicrup, Jim Shooter, and Bob Wiacek present Marvel Two-in-One #77 - Only The Swamp Survives. In which a walkabout in a swamp goes horribly wrong, Alicia Masters has no agency at all, we discover a new element of World War II, and find out what The Thing would look like as a Muppet. All this, and brief looks at Avengers #209 and Dazzler #5 as well!
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Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at mikedraws.co.uk
Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.