Apr 10 2024 60 mins 6
Rod Woods and his wife, Karen, moved to City Temple in London in September 2001, after previously serving churches near St. Louis, Missouri. Over the years, Rod has worked with many churches and marketplace leaders, seeking to help them lead more effectively. Rod has a Doctor of Ministry in Missiology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago. He is the author of Freed to Lead, and co-author with Steve Goss of the Freed to Lead course, used by thousands of leaders in more than 50 nations.
FICM Resources: The FIC Course, Steps, Freed to Lead
Read Rod’s Substack: https://freedtolead.substack.com/p/living-in-babylon?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-restack-comment&r=3gd4xe&triedRedirect=true
Order Freed to Lead today!: https://freedominchrist.com/freedtolead.aspx
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