Feb 04 2025 45 mins 8
How can we convince healthcare providers to examine the harm they cause when they tell fat people to lose weight and deny us care? It can be pretty hard to realize that you haven’t been providing evidence-based care so it’s a challenge! That’s where the work of the disability community comes in with their medical and social models of disability. This lets us communicate how medicalizing fatness is not helpful in the same way it’s not helpful for many in the disability community. Alongside that, let’s talk about harm reduction ideas! We’re getting deep today, come join me :)
Episode show notes: http://www.fiercefatty.com/195
Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://kofi.com/fiercefatty/tiers
Body Roundess index: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/reader-question-what-is-the-body?utm_source=publication-search
Lancet article, TW BS and O Words https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/landia/PIIS2213-8587(25)00004-X.pdf
Lancet iraphicnfog, TW BS and O Words: https://www.thelancet.com/infographics-do/clinical-obesity-25
How weight loss and pharma companies are scamming us into thinking they are advocating for fat people: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEvLxpBSdA/bOOUbgoQmhPGxC1ukae9Jw/edit
Medical Model vs Social Model: https://eisforerin.com/2017/08/05/disability-101-medical-model-vs-social-model/
Access all areas about Medical Model vs Social Model : https://youtu.be/QT7cyMNDRh8?si=JRiZ6n2bzgWNBBw9
My examples (1st of mm vs sm, then harm reduction): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CTI2CJPU9d3a95ibFwsZkEPWH3XbZ5IgPn9bRB4bAe0/edit?usp=sharing
Disability 101: Medical Model vs Social Model: https://eisforerin.com/2017/08/05/disability-101-medical-model-vs-social-model/