Jul 30 2024 3 mins
I had my plane tickets and I was BOOKED. But other stuff happened. Somewhere out there, there's a house wife in Texas who messed up my big break!! Here's the short version of a moment in my life that hurts!
https://www.theWorkLady.com Jan McInnis is a top keynote speaker, funny female motivational speaker, comedian, Master of Ceremonies, and comedy writer. She has written for Jay Leno’s The Tonight Show monologues as well as many other people, places, and groups—radio, TV, syndicated cartoon strips, guests on The Jerry Springer Show (her parents are proud). For over 25 years, she’s traveled the country as a keynote speaker and comedian, sharing her unique and practical tips on how to use humor in business (yes, it’s a business skill!). She's been featured in The Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post for her clean humor, and she's the author of two books: Finding the Funny Fast – How to Create Quick Humor to Connect with Clients, Coworkers, and Crowds, and Convention Comedian: Stories and Wisdom From Two Decades of Chicken Dinners and Comedy Clubs. She also has a popular podcast titled Comedian Stories: Tales From the Road in Under 5 Minutes. In her former life, she was a marketing executive in Washington, D.C. for national non-profits, and she received the Greater Washington Society of Association Executives “Excellence in Education” Award. Jan’s been featured at thousands of events from the Federal Reserve Banks to the Mayo Clinic.
Jan McInnis shows businesses how to use humor in everything from sales to human resources in dealing with staff, coworkers, clients and potential clients.
https://www.TheWorkLady.com https://youtu.be/BtjxzDn-QLE https://www.linkedin.com/in/janmcinnis https://twitter.com/janmcinnis https://www.pinterest.com/janmcinnis/pins/ https://www.youtube.com/c/JanMcInnisComedian https://www.facebook.com/ComedianJanMcInnis https://www.instagram.com/jan.mcinnis/
Jan has shared her humor keynotes from Fortune 500 companies to international associations. Groups such as . .. Healthcare. . . Mayo Clinic, Health Information Management Associations, Healthcare Financial Management Associations, Hospitals, Abbott Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Kaiser-Permanente, Davita Dialysis Centers, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Home Healthcare Associations, Assisted Living Associations, Healthcare Associations, National Council for Prescription Drug Companies, Organization of Nurse Leaders, Medical Group Management Associations, Healthcare Risk Associations, Healthcare Quality Associations
Financial. . . Federal Reserve Banks, BDO Accounting, Transamerica Insurance & Investment Group, Merrill Lynch, treasury management associations, bankers associations, credit unions, Money Transmitter Regulators Association, Finance Officers Associations, automated clearing house associations, American Institute of CPAs, financial planning companies, Securities, Insurance, Licensing Association
Government . . . purchasing officers associations, city clerks, International Institute of Municipal Clerks, National League of Cities, International Worker's Compensation Fund, correctional associations, LA County Management Association, Social Security Administration, Southern California Public Power Authority, public utilities, U.S. Air Force, public personnel associations, public procurement associations, risk management associations, Rehabilitation associations, rural housing associations, community action associations
Women's Events. . . American Heart Associations, Go Red For Women luncheons, Speaking of Women's Health, International Association of Administrative Professionals, administrative professionals events, Toyota Women’s Conference, Women in Insurance and Financial Services, Soroptimists, Women in Film & Video, ladies night out events, Henry Ford Health Centers Women’s Event, spirit of women events, breast cancer awareness,
Education . . . School Business Officials associations, school superintendent associations, school boards associations, state education associations, community college associations, school administrators associations, school plant managers associations, Head Start associations, Texas adult protective services, school nutrition associations, Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals, principal associations, library associations
Emergency, safety, and Disaster . . . International Association of Emergency Managers, Disney Emergency Managers, state emergency management associations, insurance groups, COPIC, Salt Lake County Public Works and Municipal Services Disaster Recovery Conference, Pennsylvania Governor’s Occupational Safety and Health conference, Mid Atlantic Safety conference and Chesapeake Regional Safety Council, Risk associations.