Apr 19 2024 31 mins
It is possible to overcome the energy crisis in South Africa and build a sustainable energy future. Solutions do exist and some are leading the way.
In this episode we first look at how Msunduzi Municipality is dealing with the energy crisis whereafter we take a broad look at the Transformation of the Electricity Supply Industry in South Africa.
* Presented by Enpower Trading
The South African landscape and Electricity Supply Industry is changing rapidly, and as the market evolves, the incentive for municipalities to procure their own power becomes more evident.
Decarbonisation owing to climate change, is a key motivation to transition to green energy but as electricity costs accelerate and loadshedding increases, municipalities are forced to ‘future-proof’ their strategies in order to provide access to affordable, sustainable energy for all.
Show guests:
- Cyncol Sibiya, Msunduzi Municipality
- James Beatty, Chief Executive Officer at Enpower Trading
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