Oct 16 2024 16 mins 1
As election day nears, the B.C. NDP and Conservatives remain divided on housing. NDP Leader David Eby warns that John Rustad's Conservatives would undo most of the NDP's housing policies, including Bill 44, a stance the Conservatives openly endorse.
James and Denny share their thoughts on Bill 44 and discuss how housing will be affected depending on who wins the election.
This episode will focus on Bill 44 and small scale multi development, the BC election, NDP's housing policies, Cons housing policies, poor city planning making development difficult, how realistic Bill 44 is, how cities will fight it, too many condos being built and predictions for the future.
Podcast Videos can be found on the Garbutt + Dumas Real Estate Team YouTube channel
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James Garbutt
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Facebook: /jamesgarbutt
Denny Dumas
[email protected]
Instagram: /denny.dumas
Facebook: /denny.dumas.5
Garbutt + Dumas Real Estate
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