Nov 14 2021 40 mins 19
Today's Topic – The making of a good feather duster… err character
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Podcast Show Flow
- Beyond the Meta
- We have lots of create episodes on character going back to at least episode 48 and 49
- We have talked, Traits and flaws, stories, backgrounds, create great detail and motivation.
- Talking characters one dimensional or complex and sometimes even flat
- Before we take a break on three we need to cover one more very important character concept, voice
- Voice is the finishing salt to a great character this leads from
- Hi to “do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?”
- How does a character speak
- How intelligent is the character?
- How articulate
- Do they like speaking
- Refer to your characters background does it make sense?
- When does their expression break the rules
- How does it break the rules
Please find a voice for my character.
RW Task
Use a smoothaive if needed. Realize people you disagree with at not they enemy.
Michael's Resources
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Were alive Podcast
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