Jan 31 2022 61 mins 17
Today's Topic – A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!” And More if you can teleport
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Podcast Show Flow
- Is the Tavern trope bad?
- I know more about Mainly English travel. Japan and Arabic versions are being looked into
- Surplus or Religion leads to Traveling for all peoples in the middle ages
- Until Trains and massive ships changed it all again
- Before long-distance travel was for the rich and their parties
- Caravans if stuck on land, ships being preferred
- Walking, Eating, Sleeping for the lower classes
- Walking and maybe hitchhiking
- 10 miles a day up to 40 for courier
- Up to 6o miles by horse
- Eating Travel food stews and porridge not 9 days old
- Inn if in a larger town or at locals house (bed and breakfast)
- Hunting and fishing might have local laws
- Dog or Ferret
- Camping or lodging
- Inn if you could, private homes, barns, or empty stables
- Under the thicket
- How could this be affected in a fantasy setting
- Good
- Bad
Think about your setting how far do people have to travel to work, How far can they go for fun
RW Task
Walk to work for a month
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Travel https://abbeymedievalfestival.com/2016/07/medieval-modern-transportation/
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