Feb 07 2025 45 mins
After a quick intro from Leighton, we have two interviews recorded at the Conference in Tampa, to give a flavour of this important event.
Michael Herd and Tom Wallace join from Kopplin, Kuebler and Wallace. There's discussion about KK&W's continuing expansion plans with a move into Australia and New Zealand, Tom and Michael explain why Managers should try and get to the Conference, as well as discussion on good governance, how to present your personal brand in the best way and what you can do as a leader to ensure people want to work with you. Big thanks to Michael and Tom for their ongoing support of GCTUK but also giving up their time at the show.
President and CEO of CMAA, Jeff Morgan then joins to give his perspective on the show, but also some of the numbers involved. This is Jeff's 11th conference as CEO, and the event continues to go from strength to strength. We discuss the CMAA's relationship with CMAE and the benefits of coming to conference and how these benefits can reach your club.
Don't forget our Management Field Trip at Princes and Royal Cinque Ports Golf Clubs on 26th, 27th March. For more details or to book click here - Management Field Trip