Feb 04 2025 48 mins
On this GCMA Insights we are joined by Gareth Morgan - Professional Development Manager (GCMA), Sean Boyle - GM, Chesterfield GC and James McLean - GM, Bognor Regis GC.
The conversation centres on a hot topic of how clubs are dealing with the increasing costs across many areas, particularly following the October budget. Significant rises on business rates, national insurance and minimum wage have brought challenges to all Golf clubs and we explore how to navigate those challenges. This may be a combination of cost control and increasing revenue and there's some great tips on both. That revenue may come from interneal or external sources.
Sean and James bring a wealth of experience and it's a great conversation.
Don't forget our Management Field Trip at Princes and Royal Cinque Ports Golf Clubs on 26th, 27th March. For more details or to book click here - Management Field Trip