Mar 09 2025 6 mins 1
When I was sixty-two, I emailed a very successful, well-known woman and asked her to help me with something in my business. It was as intimidating to me as writing the queen. She responded, shocked that I would think enough of her to ask. Imagine! We shared our hopes, dreams, struggles, and some of our fears. Here's what I discovered: She is me, and I am her. We are more alike than we are different. I think that's true of all of us. We worry that what is coming won’t live up to our expectations, that we won’t live up to our expectations.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know, for sure, that despite how now looks and feels, you are going to be OK? Wouldn’t it be nice? The desire to know we are not losers and are OK is inside each of us.
Join me as we look into the movie The Kid and explore how we can know we are OK.